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FDA Cleared Birth Control App - Natural cycles

Natural Cycles App Review 

As a 22-year-old female personal trainer, I’m all about taking charge of my health and fitness, both for myself and to set an example for my clients. But there’s one area of health that’s often overlooked in the fitness world: understanding and managing our menstrual cycles. That’s why I was intrigued by the Natural Cycles app, a tool designed to help women learn more about their cycles using science and body temperature. Plus, with the discount code GYMFLUENCERS, you can get 15% off your subscription. Let me share my experience diving into this innovative app.

Natural Cycles operates on a simple yet powerful premise: it uses your body temperature to analyze and predict your fertility status, displaying either a Green Day (not fertile) or a Red Day (use protection) directly in the app. At $14.99 for a monthly subscription, it’s a health investment that offers insight into one of the most natural aspects of being a woman.

How does it work? Well, our hormones cause our body temperature to rise around ovulation. By measuring your temperature either overnight or first thing in the morning and entering it into the app, the Natural Cycles algorithm gets to work. It’s fascinating to see how my body’s own natural signals can be interpreted to provide such clear guidance on fertility.

natural cycles app

One aspect I appreciate about Natural Cycles is that it’s tailored to each individual user. The app confirms and predicts ovulation based on your unique cycle data. Initially, you may see more Red Days, but as the algorithm gets to know your cycle better, the number of Green Days increases. It’s a personalized approach to birth control and cycle tracking that truly resonates with me.

Moreover, Natural Cycles stands out because it’s a regulated medical device. This isn’t just another wellness app—it’s a serious tool for health management. It boasts a 93% effectiveness rate with typical use and 98% with perfect use, backed by regular studies and audits. Knowing that this app is held to such high standards gives me confidence in its reliability and the security of my data.

For me, using Natural Cycles has been eye-opening. Not only has it helped me understand my body better, but it’s also empowered me to make informed decisions about my fertility and overall well-being. In the fitness industry, we often focus on external results, but this app has reminded me of the importance of tuning into our body’s internal cues as well.

If you’re looking to take control of your health and learn more about your cycle, I highly recommend giving Natural Cycles a try. Don’t forget to use the discount code GYMFLUENCERS for 15% off your order. It’s time we, as women, embrace all aspects of our health with the same enthusiasm and dedication we bring to our workouts.

Visit the Natural Cycles website here now to shop.

Photo credits: Natural Cycles

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