Move aside matcha, there’s a new tea on the scene. Pique Life’s new Holi Hoji tea is here to shake things up in the most delicious way.
The tea is mild and refreshing with subtle nutty and cocoa notes and is perfect to drink any time of the day for a natural pick me up.
Made from Japanese green tea leaves, Holi Hoji has just a fraction of the caffeine you’ll find in coffee and matcha tea, so you can happily drink it in the evenings without worrying about your sleep being affected.
The new tea from Pique Life also has catechins and flavonols which help support digestion and metabolic function, as well as L-Theanine which promotes calm and balance.
How to Consume Holi Hoji Digestion Supplement

You can drink Holi Hoji hot or cold, just add it to 8oz of water and mix, and it tastes amazing either way.
Holi Hoji comes in cartons of 14 servings and you can buy a single carton, and packs of 6, 9, or 12 cartons.
**The tea is sold out at the time of writing but if you head to the website you can click to be notified when it’s back in stock
Pop over to the Pique Life store when it’s available to grab your own Hoji Hoji supplement. Use discount code GF5 for 5% off your order.