Get your hands on the best savings on Betterbrand supplements with our exclusive discount code. Just fill your cart with their awesome teas, gummies, and capsules, then use our code ‘GYMFLUENCERS’ at the checkout to save 15% off your order.
Betterbrand have got a small but mighty (and pretty eclectic) range of products that are all created from natural ingredients and backed by science.
One of our favorites is the BetterMorning hangover relief remedy which is packed with natural ingredients that work to reduce feelings of ‘hangxiety’ after a big night out, as well as ease unsettled tummies and ward off alcohol-related headaches.
Just take the BetterMorning tablets about 30 minutes before you start drinking and they’ll prime your body with the nutrients that get depleted when you drink and help you metabolize the alcohol.

And we’re also big fans of the BetterMushrooms gummies which contain a fantastic blend of functional mushrooms but have a fruity, raspberry flavor. The gummies help to support gut health and metabolism, boost your mood, improve your focus, and fire up your immune system.
They also work to give you an energy boost and improve your memory and cognitive function, making these gummies a great all-rounder for better health and wellbeing.
Whether you stock up on some of our favorites or opt for some of your own top picks, make sure you use our discount code ‘GYMFLUENCERS’ when you check out to save 15% off your order.